Hello_Out_There (6)
Hello_Out_There (7)
Hello_Out_There (5)
Hello_Out_There (4)
Hello_Out_There (3)
Hello_Out_There (2)
Hello_Out_There (1)
Poster and brochure design, for William Saroyan’s “Hello Out There!” play by the Theatrical group of Tripolis
We decided to emulate the American painted movie posters of the 1930s-1940s period. Since the play is unfolding inside a prison, the cell elements (bar) had to be prominent and are extending to the poster’s frame.
We used a dark and depressing color palette for the Play’s brochure and a tracing paper wrap with the prison bars printed on it.
The audience has to remove the bars in order to open the programme, thus adding a short of “interactive” element to the material.